1. Purpose and Scope
This privacy policy is established to ensure that the collection, storage, and processing of data on our Ad Server comply with applicable laws and protect the rights of users as well as advertising partners. We are committed to maintaining the safety, security, and transparency of our Ad Server operations.

2. Types of Information Collected
Our Ad Server only uses and stores information related to ad display, including:
  • IP Address: Collected to ensure that ads are delivered to the correct geographic region.
  • Browser and Device Type: To optimize ad content for different devices.
  • Ad Display Time: This data helps improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
  • URL of the Ad Display Site: To identify the source of ad delivery.

3. We Do Not Collect Personal Information
We do not collect, store, or process any personal information from users, including but not limited to:
  • Personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email, phone number).
  • Device IDs, cookies, or other tracking methods.

4. Cookies and Tracking Technologies
We do not use cookies or any tracking technologies on the Ad Server to collect user data or track online behavior. All ad distribution and campaign optimization are carried out through partner advertising platforms such as Google DV360.

5. Sharing Data with Third Parties
We do not share information collected from the Ad Server with any third parties unless required by law. All advertising activities comply with the privacy policies of the platforms we partner with.

6. Data Security
We implement necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure that all data stored on our Ad Server is protected against unauthorized access, loss, or leakage.

7. User Rights
We Users have the right to request information about the data we collect through the Ad Server. However, as we do not collect personal information, any such requests will be limited to data related to advertising activities.

8. Policy Changes
This policy may be periodically updated to align with new legal requirements or changes in our operations. Any changes will be posted on our website and will take effect immediately upon publication.

9. Contact
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at or call (+84) 287303 0568.
